Sunday, March 7, 2010

Getting ready...

Or at least as ready as we can be. No one really knows what to expect next week, so there's all sorts of speculation going on. We know we won't get much sleep, and some of the activities we'll be doing, but not much more than that. One thing that's cool is that even though we'll have some of the instructors against us, we'll have our section commanders with us. That's kind of a relief, since I had been thinking it was all of them pulling stunts on us and expecting us to deal. It'll still be interesting, but no quite so bad as I thought.

I'm looking forward to a lot of the activities this week. Topography, where we get dropped off in the middle of nowhere alone and have to navigate the course. There's a night one too, but we're not alone for that. Another round of the obstacle course will be fun in better weather this time, and the rappel tower should be good too. We'll see how good I feel when I get back!

All you people back home can sit back in your shorts and just imagine me outside and how grateful I am for the 5 degree weather and that the snow and mud is mostly gone. I'll send you a "wish you were here" card.

And you can wish me luck!

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